Amber Sun Acres

Board your horse over night or by the month in the DeKalb, Illinois area

Home of the Prairie State Rebels

What We Offer

We are a family owned farm focused on western riding and boarding horses.

Being a private farm allows us to provide individualized care to each horse and owner. Horses at our farm are handled and cared for daily by us, the barn owners.

If you board your horse at Amber Sun Acres we offer you:

  • Over night boarding
  • 10’x12′ matted stalls,
  • Quality feed and hay,
  • Indoor and outdoor arenas,
  • Large pastures,
  • Free trailer parking,
  • Locked tack rooms.

Cost: $325.00 per month

Horses are turned out in small groups and we take care to ensure that paddock groups are compatible. At your request, supplements or medications are added to your horse's feed at no additional charge. We take great pride in knowing each horse, its personality, and its needs.

We are interested in boarding your horse over night or by the month. If you are interested contact:

Anne and Bill Phelps

19819 University Road
Malta, Illinois 60150

Phone: (815) 825-2168

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